Trick or Treat Under the Tent
Just because autumn has set in, that doesn’t mean that you have to stay indoors, especially on the most haunted day of the year — October 31. The weather in Western North Carolina can be tricky while you and your children head out in search of treats. But if you want to make your haunted holiday a hit, hold your Halloween event outdoors. That’s right: outside. Whether you’re running a business or hosting a Halloween night of screams at a party for your friends and neighbors, an outside event will be remembered.
To ensure your event is a success, Hendersonville Tents will cover your shrunken heads and pumpkins with a tent to suit your needs. And if you’re still wondering how you can take advantage of the last big holiday before the thunder of turkeys and trees, we’ve come up with a few ideas for attracting guests to your store, ghosts to your party and ghouls to your moneymaking tent of horrors.
Make Money with a Haunted Tent City
Follow the lead of the airmen of Ramstein Air Base who set up a fun evening of trick-or-treating for the troops and their families every year at their base in Kaiserslautern, Germany. The Halloween-loving soldiers erect a dozen tents in a row, each containing a very scary montage of horror for anyone willing to plunk down a couple bucks.
Like them, you can attract hundreds of brave souls willing to venture into the tents. Set the tents up so that they are contiguous or give the frightened guests a breather between ghoulish set-ups as they enter each tent anew. Set up a special light-hearted Halloween tent just for the kids between the hours of 5 and 7, leaving the blood and mayhem for late-night frights for the adults who dare brave your Haunted Tent City.
Make Your House One to Remember
Many families in Asheville, Hendersonville and surrounding areas love the Halloween night of trick-or-treating. They take extra measures to outdo their neighbors with frightful decorations. When the kids and their parents walk up to your driveway, invite them to step under your tent to view your latest concoctions, whether it’s a witches’ brew or a cartoon caper.
Set up the tent at the foot of your driveway or on your front lawn to keep you covered in case of rain or to set up a spooky backdrop for your devilish display. Keep your treats under the tent, calling kids into your dreary den of haunted high jinks to give them an experience to remember.
Highlight Your Halloween Specials
Halloween — along with the tricks and treats of the holiday — puts people in the mood for fun. Capitalize on that spirit (pun intended) to hold a seasonal tent sale. If you play up the holiday theme, you’ll have a ready-made success. Use your parking lot to set up an all-day display for the kids (and their open candy bags), while you tempt the parents to get acquainted with your business, your services and your products. Win-win-win!
A Halloween-themed tent sale is ideal to keep off inclement weather and attract those families who prefer to stay away from the home-style trick or treating for a more commercial (and safe) evening with the kids. Hand out Halloween candy for the kids and coupons for the parents under a decorated tent that’s sure to attract a crowd.
Throw the Halloween Party to Beat the Band
Throw a party on the final day (or weekend) of October to celebrate Halloween. You can have lots of food and beverages for everyone, live or pumped-in music, tables and chairs and treats (oh my!) for your guests … while maintaining an undisturbed, pristine house. Achieve this marvel of mystery by renting a tent to house your Halloween bash. You’ll achieve a number of goals by holding your bash under a tent:
You can still be a generous host, but protect your house from the revelry.
You can invite neighbors and relatives and friends and more because your party won’t be confined by four walls.
You can hold your party regardless of the weather under a tent.
You can light up the tent so the party can last well after dark.
Hendersonville Tents can supply tables, chairs, lighting, the sound system and other party accoutrements … even the garbage cans.
And the tent guy will appear the morning after to take everything away.
It’s the perfect party solution from the great folks at Hendersonville Tents.

Whatever kind of event you and your tricky team are planning — to scare the pants off your visitors or just lure them into your den of delightful demons — a tent, or multiple tents, on your property will set you apart and cover you from the elements. So whether you’re in it for the screams or the shrill laughter, whether you want to show off your scary low prices or just to protect yourself in case it rains, you won’t miss a scary step with the folks who’ve “got you covered.”
Call to get on the schedule early before the last skeleton crew goes home.